

❤️ NEW 🏊🏄🐋⚓️🚣🐠 Howlite Crystal Spiral Pendants 🐠🚣⚓️Giving us confidence 💪🏼 & helps us feel calm, safe & peaceful 💙🧘🏽‍♀️relaxes the mind before sleep 😴 (helps insomnia) brings patience & eases tension & stress 💙🐟🐠🐳 🐋⚓️🏄 #sleep #confidence #relax #calm #blue #aqua #pink #purple

Hold a Crystal when you feel worried 🙏🏼🔮💎👼🏼💕 Pink, Blue, Purple & White Howlite Crystals 💞 have a lovely soothing energy that will help to alleviate stress, and may help to calm fits of anger and bad temper 💞 Quietens a busy and overthinking mind! Especially one that keeps your awake at night!! 💤😴

They have extremely useful metaphysical properties that will aid you to deal with belligerent or aggressive people. Their energy may calm both you and the other person 💞 #pink #howlite #calming #calm #soothing #stress #sleep #crystals #white #purple


Pink = Love

Purple = Intuition

Blue = Peace

White = Calm